Primary 4
Welcome to our Primary 4 Page!
During this year Primary 4 will be covering a number of learning areas as well as developing key skills and capabilities in line with the curriculum. Below will provide you with a brief overview of some of the areas, skills and capabilities developed this year.
In Primary 4 we have a major focus on reading as children progress towards becoming independent readers. We read lots of stories together in Primary 4, including ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' 'The Hodgeheg' 'The Iron Man' and many of Roald Dahl's classics. We also read for enjoyment every day, through silent and guided reading. We can choose many books from our wonderful class library.
Literacy- In Literacy, areas we cover include interesting activities related to our class novel, spelling, punctuation, grammar, poetry, comprehension, reading and various writing techniques. Websites to help support your child at home include- BBC Bitesize and Help With Reading.
Numeracy- In Numeracy, Primary 4 explore areas such as numbers to 999, data handling, fractions, shape. space, area, multiplication and division. Every day we practice mental maths to build up our mental arithmetic and strategic thinking. Which include multiplication, division, number facts, rounding, addition and subtraction. Websites to help support your child at home include- Mental Maths Support, BBC Bitesize, Oxford Owl.
More information on the Numeracy and Literacy curriculum is available at- Northern Ireland Primary Curriculum.
World Around Us- We have lots of fun in Primary 4 learning about all our different World Around Us topics. We do lots of different activities during our Activity Based Learning sessions which help us to learn more about these. Our topics this year include 'All About Me/Healthy Eating', 'World War 1' and 'Castles.'
ICT- ICT is seamlessly weaved throughout many subjects in Primary 4, we have the opportunity to use the internet for research, develop word processing skills and use Just2Easy to represent information in graphs, to develop important writing skills and for spelling and mental maths games.
P.E. - During P.E this year we have the fantastic opportunity to experience many different sports and activities through coaching (football and cricket). Primary 4 also participate in gymnastics, athletics and games throughout the year.
The Arts- In Primary 4 we promote creativity, this can be done through the Arts. In Art we are exploring different artists and varied artistic materials and techniques, such as Henry Moore and Van Gogh, Michelangelo. We are also going to have the opportunity to draw our own self portrait after discussing our features in the topic ‘All about me.’ During music we will use our voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and rhymes, play tuned and untuned instruments musically and explore varied music genres to identify the beat, rhythm and more.
R.E. - Religion lessons are taught by Mrs McConnell which involve the Revelation of God (God and the Bible and the life of Jesus), The Christian Church and Morality (respect for self, others, God and the environment). For more information visit- Religious Education Core Syllabus. Sacramental preparation is taught separately.
Please keep up to date with what's happening in our class by looking at our news items below and our homework area!
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday (Football with coach).
Miss Orr
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Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, 15 Cloughmore Road, Rostrevor, Co. Down BT34 3EL | Phone: 028 417 38491