Why choose an Integrated Primary School?
Why choose an Integrated Primary School and what makes our school different?
As an integrated school we educate children from both protestant and catholic traditions, as well as those of other faiths and none, in an inclusive, welcoming and aspiring environment. We differ from other schools in Northern Ireland by ensuring that children from diverse backgrounds are educated together every day in the same classrooms. Our school motto ‘Learning from each other’ underpins what we aspire to in our school. We believe that becoming aware of our own and others’ cultural heritage, traditions and celebrations is fundamental to our understanding and respect for difference and diversity within our society.
The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) describes integrated education as:
“Integrated Education brings children and staff from Catholic and Protestant traditions, as well as those of other beliefs, cultures and communities together in one school. Since 1981, in a deeply divided society, Integrated schools have been intentionally and proactively developed to encourage more mixing in schools.
Integrated Schools ensure that children from Protestant and Catholic religious and/or cultural backgrounds, as well as others who identify differently are educated together every day in the same classrooms.
It is important to note that Integrated Schools are essentially Christian in character but proactively strive to ensure everyone’s tradition is respected and included.
Empowering adults, children and young people as thinking individuals is a priority for Integrated Schools so that as they grow and mature, they’ll be able to affect positive change in the shared society we live in.”
The 4 core principles of Integrated Education (read more here: https://nicie.org/what-is-integrated-education/integrated-ethos/) represent the cornerstones of our integrated ethos. We are fully committed to these principles and work hard to ensure that every child in our school has the opportunity to live, learn and grow together in order to help make societal changes in our divided society.
Through our Admissions Criteria we aim to enrol approximately equal numbers of Catholic and Protestant children, as well as children from other religious and cultural backgrounds.
We aim to have a religiously balanced school population (pupils, staff and Governors) which respects different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Staff attend regular training/workshops to further enhance and develop the promotion of the integrated learning experience for every pupil.
We provide a fully child-centred education which meets the needs of individuals and supports their holistic development.
Our integrated ethos underpins all aspects of our school. It aspires to create an environment where those of all faiths and none are respected, acknowledged and accepted as valued members of the school community. Pupils and staff feel secure in demonstrating aspects of their identity regardless of social or cultural background, ability, race, gender or sexual orientation and we explore difference and diversity through many initiatives-
- Our shared sports programme includes Gaelic, soccer, netball and rugby.
- We attend assemblies to celebrate Remembrance and St Patrick’s Day. We deal sensitively with issues regarding local and global events, including days which are recognised as being more significant to any one group within the school community or which may be considered contentious.
- We deliver class assemblies which explore diverse themes
- We go on exciting trips throughout the school year
- We learn about different world religions
- We learn about the ideas, beliefs and practices of the major world religions.
- We visit significant places of worship for a range of faiths and beliefs
- Our school facilitates specific provision for Catholic pupils whose parents wish them to undergo sacramental preparation.
- We encourage religious and community leaders to visit and participate in school activities and assemblies.
The support and commitment of parents is a fundamental element of Integrated Education and we endeavour to encourage parents to be fully involved in the life of our school. Our open door policy and rigorous communication with parents enables an effective partnership that benefits the whole school community. Some initiatives have included
- PTA events
- After school clubs
- Community Gardening Club
Our integrated school delivers the curriculum on an all-ability and inclusive basis to all of its pupils. It respects the uniqueness of every pupil and acknowledges his/her entitlement to personal, social, intellectual and spiritual development in the attainment of individual potential. We actively engage with organisations within the local, national and global community and work to appreciate the interdependence between society and the natural environment it inhabits. Some initiatives have included-
- NSPCC Project
- PDMU activities
- Sporting events
- Community Gardening Club for parents/grandparents
We encourage our pupils to engage with the use of non-violent means of conflict resolution
- Assertive Discipline Policy
- Anti-Bullying week/ display boards
- NSPCC Projects
- Home-School Communication Books
- Internet Safety initiatives
- SEN provision
- Child-friendly communications
We strongly believe that it is within the integrated sector that we can provide our children with the educational experience to empower them to make positive changes within our shared society which remains divided. The sector continues to grow and flourish, helping to make a difference for our future generations. We hope you can be part of our vision.
Please feel free to read more about Integrated Education on the NICIE website : https://nicie.org/
Use the Find my school section to find Kilbroney Integrated PS on the map. https://nicie.org/what-is-integrated-education/integrated-schools-today/find-your-school-interactive-map/

Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, 15 Cloughmore Road, Rostrevor, Co. Down BT34 3EL | Phone: 028 417 38491