Pastoral Care and Positive Behaviour in Kilbroney IPS

At Kilbroney Integrated Primary School we have primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of our pupils. We carry out this duty through our 'Pastoral Care' and 'Safeguarding and Child Protection' policies and proceedures. We provide a safe, secure, caring and supportive environment for our pupils. We respect and value each individual pupil for their unique talents and abilities and help them to gain the confidence, self esteem and self worth required to keep themselves safe and teach them the importance of seeking help if they need it.
Here in Kilbroney we also welcome newcomer children and celebrate diversity and inclusion within our school community.
Our Pastoral Care team consists of the following:
Designated Officer for Child Protection: Mr M Thompson
Deputy Designated Officer for Child Protection: Miss A Caldwell
Designated Governor for Child Protection: Mrs C Blaney
Chair of Board of Governors: Mr P Conway
Principal: Mrs I Porter
Positive Behaviour
In Kilbroney IPS, we expect our pupils to behave in a responsible manner, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for others and the school building at all times.
Here in Kilbroney IPS a Positive approach to behaviour is implemented. Please see our latest Positive Behaviour Policy which is available at the school or on the website. Pupils are rewarded and praised for good behaviour. Rewards may include verbal praise, stickers and stamps and praise and encouragement from other members of staff including the Principal. Each class teacher decides upon their own individual system of rewards.
As a school we welcome the views of our pupils, parents and community and involve our school community in the evaluation and re-development of our Positive Behaviour Policy document and Proceedures. We are continually seeking ways to celebrate the success, achievements and efforts of our pupils. Each teacher aims to celebrate these successes on a daily basis but are also celebrated weekly at assembly.
Every Friday at Assembly each class teacher chooses a pupil from their class to receive a special Pupil of the Week Award from the Principal. The teacher may choose the pupil for a number of reasons such as excellent classwork or homework, behaviour, helping others or in relation to the thought for the week.
Each Term we have a special Principal's Award for someone who has excelled in many areas and for consistently demonstrating exceptional qualities. These children enjoy a fantastic prize of a giftcard from the Principal.
We in Kilbroney also delight in the achievements of our pupils outside of school and welcome them to bring in their certificates and prizes into school to show at assembly each Friday.
Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, 15 Cloughmore Road, Rostrevor, Co. Down BT34 3EL | Phone: 028 417 38491