Uniform and School Day

At Kilbroney Integrated PS we regard the wearing of the school uniform as very important. We believe it gives the children a sense of identity with the school and encourages them to take pride in their appearance. School uniform can be purchased through our local suppliers, Saints and Scholars, Newry and Holmes in Kilkeel. The P.E. uniform can be ordered through a Playr Fit school link which parents will be informed about once available. If you have any queries regarding the school uniform please don't hesitate to contact the school office. School Uniform grants are available through the EA for those families who are eligible. Please see the EA website for details: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants
School Uniform:
Boys wear navy trousers or shorts and girls wear navy skirts or pinafores with jade green ‘Kilbroney’ polo shirts, navy sweatshirts with school logo, navy/white socks and black shoes.
Please put names on all clothing and shoes.
School Day
Breakfast Club Opens 8am
Children arrive at front gate 8.50am
School Day begins 9am
On very wet mornings, children will be sent on into the classrooms instead of lining up outside.
Classes will finish at:
P1: For the first two weeks P1 children will finish at 12 o'clock. After two weeks, they P1 children will finish at 1.45pm. The children will be brought in a line to the gate where they meet each morning. Parents are asked to stand outside the main gate. The children will be released to parents upon arrival at the gate.
P2-3: The children will finish at 1.45pm.The children will be brought in a line to the gate where they meet each morning. Parents are asked to stand outside the main gate. The children will be released to parents upon arrival at the gate.
P4-7: The children will finish at 3pm. The children will be brought in a line to the gate where they meet each morning. Parents are asked to stand outside the main gate. The children will be released to parents upon arrival at the gate.
Links between home and school
Links between home and school are vital in Kilbroney IPS and we endeavor to keep parents informed of each child’s progress through parental interviews and reports.
Teachers are also available to discuss any matter which may arise. All that we ask is that you make an appointment before coming to school so that the teacher will have the time, without distraction, to sit and discuss things.
Parents are kept informed of all that is happening in school through the school website, social media sites, text
messages, notes home, “Seesaw” smartphone application and the PTA noticeboards.
We seek and value the opinion of parents and carers and use this information to help meet the individual needs
of our pupils.
The expectations which school and parents may have of each other could be expressed in the following lists:
Parents’ expectations of the school:
1. Child to be valued as an individual in a safe, well-ordered, caring environment.
2. Programmes of teaching and learning planned so that pupils are challenged to do their best.
3. Early warnings of problems with work, relationships or discipline.
4. Teachers to inspire confidence by good teaching of skills at an appropriate pace of learning for each pupil.
5. Good lines of communication to express views and discuss school issues.
School’s expectations of parents and carers
1. Parents to support the work of the school with helpful attitudes and an interest shown at home.
2. Children to be regular and punctual in their attendance.
3. Parents to attend meetings to discuss progress, attainment and the curriculum.
4. Early contact on matters at home affecting a child’s progress, happiness or behaviour.
Pupil Voice
At Kilbroney IPS we believe that every member of the school family has a right to be heard. As a child-centred school we are committed to involving our pupils in discussions and decisions on school life that directly
affect them. Each pupil is given a voice through our School Pupil Council. Here the children are able to share
their ideas, thoughts and concerns about school life. The school management listens to their views when
planning and reviewing school activities and policies.
Kilbroney Integrated Primary School, 15 Cloughmore Road, Rostrevor, Co. Down BT34 3EL | Phone: 028 417 38491